Non-auditory effects of noise

  • Miha Mrak Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana
  • Marjan Bilban ZVD Zavod za varstvo pri delu d.d., Chengdujska cesta 25, 1260 Ljubljana–Polje
Keywords: cortisol, atherosclerosis, sleep, balance, mental function


In addition to direct effects on the auditory system, excessive noise also causes so-called nonauditory effects. These generally occur at lower sound pressure levels (SPL) and include changes in many organ systems and physiological processes. Review of recent literature shows that today non-auditory effectsare quite well explained. In this article we list the most important sources of noise, their extent and extra-acoustic factors that modify the link between noise and its effects. We describe the pathophysiology, prevalence and significance  of noise effects on hormonal status, immune functions, cardiovascular system, balance, visual functions, sleep quality, cognitive functions and behavior. We also summarize the conclusions of recent research on the impact of noise on the formation of acoustic neuroma and formation of connective tissue in the liver.


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How to Cite
Mrak M, Bilban M. Non-auditory effects of noise. TEST ZdravVestn [Internet]. 1 [cited 10Sep.2024];83(4). Available from:

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