• Vera Pompe-Kirn Institute of Oncology Cancer Registry of Slovenia Zaloška 2 1000 Ljubljana
Keywords: laryngeal cancer, subsites, incidence, survival, Slovenia


Background. In Slovenia laryngeal cancer incidence increased in men in the 50s, 60s and 70s and was rather stable afterwards, while in women the increase was more evident in the 80s and 90s. In order to better understand the trends in incidence in the 80s and 90s as well as the survival of laryngeal cancer patients, we analyzed the data by subsites (glottis and other parts of larynx), and considered the phenomenon of field cancerisation. In addition, projection of laryngeal cancer incidence till the year 2009 was calculated.

Methods. The basic source of information was the data of the Cancer Registry of Slovenia. Standard and special methods of descriptive epidemiology were used (the APC model, the person-years approach, Hakulinen’s package for the survival analysis).

Results. In the period 1980–1999, in men there was an increase of glottic carcinoma incidence during the whole 20 years, a decrease of supraglottic carcinoma in the period 1996– 1999, and no change in the incidence of not defined subsites. The ratio supraglottis vs. glottis has been changing in favor of glottis carcinoma. The percentage of localized diseases at diagnosis of all subsites is slightly improving. For patients with glottic carcinoma diagnosed in 1993–1997 the relative fiveyear survival was 87% while for patients with cancer of other defined subsites of the larynx (in 86% supraglottis, 4% subglottis and 10% overlapping lesions) it was 41%.

Conclusions. Our prediction till 2009 is a small increase of the incidence in laryngeal cancer in men as well as in women. But also a better survival of patients could be expected. Further efforts for a more efficient primary as well as secondary prevention are needed.


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How to Cite
Pompe-Kirn V. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF LARYNGEAL CANCER IN SLOVENIA. TEST ZdravVestn [Internet]. 1 [cited 11Sep.2024];71. Available from: http://vestnik-dev.szd.si/index.php/ZdravVest/article/view/1767
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