Anterior plagiocephaly- A report of a case and operative technique

  • Peter Spazzapan University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Neurosurgery
  • Roman Bošnjak University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Neurosurgery
  • Tomaž Velnar University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Neurosurgery
  • Antonino Cassisi Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy
Keywords: craniosynostosis, plagiocephaly, reconstruction


Anterior plagiocephaly is a result of premature unilateral fusion of the coronary suture. It is the third most common form of non-syndromic craniosynostoses. Its main features include forehead, supraorbital arch and anterior cranial fossa deformation as well as orbital asymmetry. Te treatment is surgical. Te main aim is to relieve compressed brain tissue and achieve an acceptable aesthetic effect. We describe a boy with anterior plagiocephaly, who has undergone an extensive craniofacial reconstruction.


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How to Cite
Spazzapan P, Bošnjak R, Velnar T, Cassisi A. Anterior plagiocephaly- A report of a case and operative technique. TEST ZdravVestn [Internet]. 1Mar.2017 [cited 10Sep.2024];86(1-2):34-1. Available from:
Case report, short scientific article