Mednarodna primerljivost uspešnosti zdravljenja raka v Sloveniji

  • Branko Zakotnik
Keywords: malignant diseases, incidence, survival


Background: The aim of this overview is to show time trends of 5-year relative survival rates of some malignant diseases in Slovenia, to compare them with other countries of the European Union (EUROCARE 4) and to compare incidence and mortality rates for breast cancer. The 5-year relative survival is improving with timo for most cancers, the difference in survival rates between men and women is diminishing. Survival rate for all cancers in men is between the lowest in Europe, mainly on the account of low survival in prostate cancer, a frequent cancer in men. Cancers that are treated centrally, mainly at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana have very good survival rates, above European mean, some even among the best in Europe (thyroid, Hodgkin’s disease, soft tissue sarcomas, non-Hodgkin lymphomas) while worse survival of cancers treated all over Slovenia is reported.


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How to Cite
Zakotnik B. Mednarodna primerljivost uspešnosti zdravljenja raka v Sloveniji. TEST ZdravVestn [Internet]. 1 [cited 11Sep.2024];76(12). Available from:
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