Prevalence of urogenital chlamydia infection among asymptomatic male and female young adults; results of a sponsored study: »i don’t have it, do you?«

  • Borut Kobal
  • Darja Keše
  • Danilo Maurič
  • Nives Rožič-Vičič
Keywords: Chlamydia trachomatis, prevalence, PCR, risk factors


Background: Urogenital infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is among more common curable sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in Slovenia; however, the data on the prevalence of asymptomatic infections are insufficient. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic chlamydia infection among male and female young adults in various Slovenian urban environments and to determine the risk factors for the infection.

Methods: The study took place between October 15 and November 15 2004 in selected medical centres in Ljubljana, Maribor and Izola. Subjects were volunteers and were sexually active healthy males and females who appeared to be healthy and were aged between 18 and 35. All subjects gave consent to participation in the study. All participants filled in an anonymous questionnaire which included questions on education, sexual behaviour patterns, use of contraceptives and contraceptive methods and history of STDs. The presence of CT in urine samples was determined by the nucleic acid amplification test PCR. All positive subjects were appropriately treated. Significant risk factors were determined by logistic regression.

Results: 2027 volunteers participated in the study. They gave a urine sample and filled in the questionnaire. The prevalence of chlamydia infection was 5.8 %. Age analysis showed a 6.5 % prevalence among subjects under 25 years of age and, among subjects above 25, 4.8 %. Both groups revealed similarities in sexual behaviour patterns and use of barrier contraceptives which was 10.9 % in younger and 9.1 % in older participants. Independent factors related to the asymptomatic chlamydia infection were shown to be the number of sexual partners in the past (p = 0.008), more than one sexual partner in the last three months (p = 0.000) and improper use of condoms (p = 0.032).

Conclusions: Relatively high prevalence of chlamydia infection among asymptomatic participants demonstrates that the problem is underestimated and that, with regard to the selective screening, the experts should take a point of view.


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How to Cite
Kobal B, Keše D, Maurič D, Rožič-Vičič N. Prevalence of urogenital chlamydia infection among asymptomatic male and female young adults; results of a sponsored study: »i don’t have it, do you?«. TEST ZdravVestn [Internet]. 1 [cited 11Sep.2024];75(8). Available from:
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