Legislation on animal use for experiments in Slovenia

  • Martina Perše
Keywords: experiments on animals, permit, protection of animals, records, suffering


Background: All experimental animal protection legislation is based on the premise that, under certain conditions, it is morally acceptable to use animals for experimental and other scientific purposes. Directive on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (86/609/EEC) adopted in 1986, was one of the key international acts, which has started to regulate the legislation on the protection of experimental animals in Europe. It has a legal force and therefore obligates all member states of European Union to implement its provisions through their national legislation. However, in Slovenia the field of the protection of experimental animals has actually started to regulate with the adoption of the Animal Protection Act and other subsidiary legal acts that define legitimate purposes and conditions on which animals for experimental purposes may be used.

Conclusions: The aim of this article is to introduce in brief the present situation in the field of experimental animal protection legislation in Slovenia. At the same time, we would like to warn the reader, that the legislation is both an interpretative and dynamic subject, constantly changing and developing, because the ethic and the legal criteria of the society depend on the time and the space in which we live.


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How to Cite
Perše M. Legislation on animal use for experiments in Slovenia. TEST ZdravVestn [Internet]. 1 [cited 11Sep.2024];75(11). Available from: http://vestnik-dev.szd.si/index.php/ZdravVest/article/view/2042
Review article