• Dušica Glušič GPD d.o.o., Sončni grič 7, 3320 Velenje
  • Ksenija Lekić Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo Celje, Ipavčeva 18, 3000 Celje
Keywords: on-line counselling, e-counsellor,, adolescent, sexuality


Background: The Institute of Public Health Celje has managed to develop the biggest Slovenian counsel- ling website for teenagers found on, where 33 experts voluntarily give advice to young people regarding the questions connected with the problems of growing up and health. In the course of eight years the experts of different specialities have answered more than 17.000 questions. On average, more than 500 young people visit the website every day; per month about 12.000 visits are registered. In this manner one advisory answer by an e-Counsellor which benefits numerous adolescents, presents a quick way of help for young people in need without medical referrals or waiting in queues, and at the same time, based on its voluntariness, it releases the burden on the health fund.

Conclusions: The article is about international known website of The Institute of Public Health Celje www. which is very popular with teenagers at the age of 13 to 18. The most visited copyrighted content is «Love sex-Love is in me« where only the gynaecologist answered more than 5000 questions about taboo problems which are very difficult spoken by the adolescent at the medical clinic or face to face with the doctor.


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Ule M, Kuhar M. Sodobna mladina: izziv sprememb. V: Miheljak V (ur.) Mladina 2000. Slovenska mladina na prehodu v novo tisočletje 2002: 39–77. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport – Urad RS za mladino, Aristej.

Podkrajšek D, Lekić K, Kopač Vidmar T. To sem jaz. In to potrebujem. Rezultati anketiranja mladih celjske regije o prob- lemih odraščanja. V: Mladostnik in zdravje. 3.kongres šolske in visokošolske medicine slovenije. Zdravstveno varstvo 2001, 223–8.

How to Cite
GlušičD, LekićK. YOUTH, SEXUALITY AND THE INTERNET. TEST ZdravVestn [Internet]. 14Feb.2018 [cited 11Sep.2024];78. Available from:
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